Savo pojūčiais " Tenga Air Tech" niekuo nenusileidžia kitiems "Tenga" masturbatoriams. Peniui įsiskverbus į "Tenga", mažą skylutę priešingame gale galite uždengti pirštu - taip sukursite itin intensyvų šleikštulį ir siurbimo efektą.
Tenga AirTech Reusable Vacuum Cup Regular
Svarbiausias naujojo "Tenga Air Tech" akcentas? Jį galima naudoti kelis kartus. Minkštą "Tenga Air Tech" vidų lengva išimti. Po naudojimo tiesiog išplaukite jį vandeniu su galbūt neutraliu muilu ir atsargiai nusausinkite. Tada įdėkite jį atgal į plastikinį korpusą - geriausia tai padaryti sukamaisiais judesiais ir šiek tiek paspaudžiant. "Tenga Air Tech" paruoštas kitam raundui!
"Tenga Air Tech" jaučiasi taip pat gerai, kaip ir kiti "Tenga" masturbatoriai. Tenga Air Tech malonumo kanalas su minkštais antgaliais stimuliuoja varpą net ir atliekant nedidelius judesius pirmyn ir atgal. Priešingame gale esančią mažą skylutę galite uždengti pirštu - varpai įsiskverbus į "Tenga" - taip sukursite itin intensyvų, šleikštulį ir siurbimo efektą.
Lubrikanto porcija tiekiama nemokamai.
Žinoma, jei reikia, mūsų "Tenga" galite naudoti ir su prezervatyvu.
Grazie al tubo morbido, che può essere impugnato comodamente, potrai regolare tu la pressione che vuoi sentire. Questo ti permetterà di adattarlo al tuo corpo stringendolo in maniera più o meno intensa in base ai tuoi desideri. Il suo interno è altamente dettagliato per aumentare il piacere ad ogni movimento. Lo sfiato sulla base ti consetira' di scegliere se aumentare la sensazione di suzione creando un effetto sottovuoto. La sua confezione anonima ti consentirà di portarlo con te senza destare alcun sospetto. La lozione al suo interno che viene rilasciata dall'aposito serbatorio, ti offrirà un approccio confortevole sulla pelle.
My partner and I bought some sex toys to try and spice things up! This one was by far his favourite. It came discreetly packaged and was very quick in arriving. When we were by ourselves we couldn't wait to try it out! We were both very pleasantly surprised at how lightweight and compact it was. Then it was time to give it a go. He lubed up and slid it on and by god we were not disappointed! My partner absolutely loved this. He said the suction was intense and much more powerful than he had imagined, and the bumps, he could feel everyone of them with each stroke. Even I had penis envy! Definitely will be purchasing more from this range!
Extremeo - Anal Relax...
16,99 €
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34,99 € 26,99 €
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49,99 €
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39,99 € 29,99 €
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Tenga - Egg Misty
16,99 € 11,08 €
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21,99 € 16,99 €
Anal Relax...
16,99 €
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