Su "DungeonMaster Pro", tvirtu ir universaliu BDSM priedu, surišimo seansą galima perkelti į naują lygį. Maždaug 77 cm ilgio prietaisas pagamintas iš chromuoto plieno ir padengtas juoda danga, kuri ne tik suteikia jam patrauklią išvaizdą, bet ir užtikrina gerą patvarumą.
Su "DungeonMaster Pro", tvirtu ir universaliu BDSM priedu, surišimo seansą galima perkelti į naują lygį.
Maždaug 77 cm ilgio prietaisas pagamintas iš chromuoto plieno ir padengtas juoda danga, kuri ne tik suteikia jam patrauklią išvaizdą, bet ir garantuoja gerą patvarumą. Prietaisas turi septynis tvirtinimo taškus, kurie leidžia lanksčiai fiksuoti paklusnųjį partnerį. DungeonMaster Pro buvo sukurtas intensyviam naudojimui ir yra tvirtas, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar surišamas asmuo yra mažesnis, didesnis, sunkesnis ar lengvesnis.
Idealiai tinka Shibari surišimui, riešų ir kulkšnių antrankiams, grandinėms ir virvėms tvirtinti.Daugiau informacijos:
5 stars
We have recently acquired one of these and we think its great. We have both been tied and suspended many times in the past but this seems the most secure. The first time we used it as I got in the door hubby was waiting for me and he led me into our play-room where he stripped me and them strapped me into a pair of your wrist to thigh cuffs. The bar was then put under my arms and the chain connected to our pulley and tension was put on. He then put leather straps around my ankles and pulled them back and up and connected them to the eyeholes on the ends of the bar so that I was now suspended with my legs forced apart and my fanny totally exposed. A large pair of weights were suspended from my nipple rings and my favorite ball-gag was installed and a blindfold was put on as well. He then proceeded to work on my willing fanny and arse until I could take no more using his cock, a large dildo. butt-plug and whip.I had orgasm after orgasm and loved every minute of it. After he had finished he just left me hanging there until he decided to let me down. Will look forward to next time and also to using it on him.
Sehr praktisch
Wir nutzen diese Stange für Suspensionbondage aber noch öfter als Spreizstange. Sind sehr zufrieden damit. Qualität, Preis passt!
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