Atraskite kvapą gniaužiančią, gundančią geismo pusę su mūsų BDSM dujokauke! Ši specialiai MEO sukurta dujokaukė turi itin didelį stebėjimo langelį, pro kurį visada aiškiai matysite savo paklusnaus partnerio veidą - tai jaudinanti vizualinė patirtis, kurioje dera intymumas ir dominavimas.
Atraskite kvapą gniaužiančią, gundančią geismo pusę su mūsų BDSM dujokauke! Ši specialiai MEO sukurta dujokaukė turi itin didelį stebėjimo langelį, pro kurį visada aiškiai matysite savo paklusnaus partnerio veidą - tai jaudinanti vizualinė patirtis, kurioje dera intymumas ir dominavimas.
Paslaptis, slypinti už didžiausio jaudulio: dujokaukės ir ...!
Dujokaukės sekso metu yra daugiau nei tik fetišo aksesuaras. Jos yra raktas į intensyvią jausmingą patirtį ir atveria visiškai naują jausmingumo dimensiją. Jos ne tik puikiai papildo bet kokią odą aptempiančią latekso aprangą, bet ir sukuria puikią atmosferą ypatingiems, jaudinantiems sekso žaidimams. Nuo deprivacijos iki naudojimo su popperiais - jūsų vaizduotei ribų nėra!
Daugiau informacijos:
"Take my breath away" - with a gas mask for kinky fun and games
Once you fit it you will immediately smell the rubber and its a very relaxing smell for me and I love it. The tight feeling I experience when it's worn feels very good especially if I am wearing it with my latex hood. It feels like my whole head is being gently held and squeezed. It's a hard sensation to describe but the feeling you get when looking out at the world through the glass vision window sort of seperates you from reality. I guess that's how astronauts feel when looking through their helmets. As a submissive it certainly put me into my place.
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MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask Review
The MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask was sent as part of a package destined for Pleasure Panel reviews, but I just couldn’t help myself. I used to have a kinky gas mask, then through circumstances it became lost to me. Now, at last, I have a gas mask of my own to play with once again. Thanks MEO!
MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask Review
There’s something about gas masks. I don’t have a fetish for them, but they’re unashamedly kinky. There’s no hiding one of these strapped to your face – unless you happen to have a body bag kink as well, I suppose. Maybe it’s because I’ve seen gas masks in the context of BDSM and kink so much. I’m not of an era or location where gas masks fill me with dread or sadness, although of course I am aware of and despise that these things often need to be used for non-kinky reasons.
Not mine, though – the MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask is 100% for pleasure. Maybe that’s the key which unlocks my fascination with these items; a perverse enjoyment of turning the world on its head, using such a symbol of non-consensual repression, control and fear as an extreme expression of consensual pleasure and absolute freedom, instead.
Anyway, enough of my musing. What’s the MEO BDSM Breath Control Gas Mask like? How do you use it? How on earth do you put it on, how does it feel, and what are you supposed to do when it’s there?
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