Atsisėskite ant jo ir leiskite sau pasilepinti. Dėl šios išradingos konstrukcijos, kai jūsų Sub guli po kėde, jis gali prieiti prie jūsų užpakaliuko ir jūsų "brangenybių". Mūsų rimavimo kėdė "Rim Seat" turi tvirtas kojas, kurių aukštis reguliuojamas trimis pakopomis.
Atsisėskite ant jo ir leiskite sau pasilepinti. Dėl šios išradingos konstrukcijos, kai jūsų Sub guli po kėde, jis gali prieiti prie jūsų užpakaliuko ir jūsų "brangenybių".
Mūsų rimavimo kėdė (Rim Seat) turi dvi stabilias kojas, kurių aukštis reguliuojamas trimis pakopomis. Be to, joje įrengėme rankenas, kurios leidžia optimaliai įsitaisyti. Niekada anksčiau rimming tokia patogi!
Mūsų rimavimo kėdė išsiskiria ne tik stabilia, visiškai suvirinta konstrukcija. Svarbiausia tai, kad apvadinę kėdę galite akimirksniu surinkti BE ĮRANKIAVIMŲ ir taip pat lengvai išardyti po naudojimo. Panaudotos medžiagos turi rūdims atsparią apdailą, be to, įrengėme "vandalams atsparų", juodą tualeto sėdynę, nes ji naudojama ir visuomeniniuose pastatuose.
MEO™ RIM CHAIR privalumai :
- Tvirtas ir saugus, visiškai suvirinta konstrukcija
- Nerūdijanti apdaila
- Mūsų RIM CHAIR aukštis reguliuojamas trimis pakopomis
- Kojos nuimamos sandėliavimui ar transportavimui
- Sudarytos tik iš trijų dalių
- Reguliuojamas aukštis su fiksuotu stumdomu užraktuMygtukais
- Rankenos su vinilo dangteliais geresniam sukibimui
- Juoda klozeto sėdynė su priekine anga (priėjimas prie uodegos)
- Atsidaro kaip įprasta klozeto sėdynė
- Klozeto sėdynė keičiama
- Neslystančios kojelės
- Išmontuotas tik 18 cm aukščio.
- Puikiai telpa po lova arba spintoje
Aplaižymas: daugeliui žmonių partnerio laižymas ir degustavimas yra svarbi seksualumo dalis. Šiuo atveju lūpomis ir liežuviu stimuliuojama partnerio išangė, paprastai įskaitant tarpvietės sritį, tai galima daryti paviršutiniškai arba liežuviu įsiskverbiant į išangę. Analinė sritis padengta daugybe nervinių galūnėlių ir yra viena iš daugelio žmonių erogeninių zonų. Kitas variantas yra vadinamasis facesitting, kai priimantysis pritūpia virš ant nugaros gulinčio duodančiojo partnerio veido. Mūsų rimmingo arba facesittingo kėdė buvo sukurta siekiant palengvinti tokio tipo žaidimus. Naudodami šiuos BDSM baldus galite ilgai žaisti vienas su kitu nepervargdami ir mėgautis savo partneriu iki soties.
Adjustable Rim Chair
The basic structure of this rim seat is a horse shoe shaped hot zinc dipped steel tube with 38mm diameter. On both sides about 100mm behind the opening 175mm long handles with 32mm diameter are welded which are covered with a vinyl cover for better grip. Behind each grip a tube facing outward is welded. On its end there is a spring pushbutton. Using this button the legs which are put onto this tube can be adjusted to three heights: 410mm (550mm clearance between the legs), 380mm and 515mm clearance and 350mm with 495mm clearance. When you push the legs up all the way the height is 330mm with 460mm clearance. But since the spring pushbuttons are not holding the legs they can move. The legs are T-shaped and the ends are covered in conic shaped rubber covers which create a secure stand and keep the legs from scratching the floor.
Detail of the Spring Pushbuttoms for the Heights Adjustment
For a comfortable seat for even extended periods of time a black horse shoe shaped toilet seat with a 10cm opening is mounted onto the ring. The seat can be tipped up.
When the legs are taken off, the rim chair becomes very compact for easy storage and for travelling.
Playing with the Rim Chair
First things first: Is this a good rim chair? Yes, it is. It has a sturdy and ergonomic build so the tops sits securely and comfortable. The grips make it easy to sit down and get up. The three height settings and clearance between the legs allow even for a slim bondage board to be put between them. All pieces are easy to clean so even when the play gets nasty the rim seat shines again quickly.
Detail of the Vinyl Covered Grip
When used alone the comfortable position and ass accessibility makes this rim chair ideal furniture for anal self play. The sphincter is relaxed even when reaching down to stuff the butt so putting toys up the ass is more easily and pleasurable. Beyond that this rim seat even has a practical use: When setup in a shower or bath tub a bottom can sit down on it for a comfortable cleaning up. Through the comfortable sitting position the colon relaxes and cleaning out is more easily. There is a chance of water entering the legs through the height adjustment holes. So after cleaning out the legs should be taken off and emptied.
The rim chair even works as a compact and basic piece of bondage furniture. Wrist and ankle restraints can be attached to the legs. The most effective bondage layout is fettering the thighs to the grips using Velcro restraints. This leaves the legs spread apart so the balls and dick can be played with, ideal for CBT, especially ball busting and kicking.
Sehr gutes Produkt (Rimming-Stuhl)
Sehr gutes Produkt (Rimming-Stuhl), da solide verarbeitet, standfest und leicht aufzubauen bzw. abzubauen. Höhe flexibel einzustellen. Da wackelt nichts. Top-Qualität, schneller und diskreter Versand.
My first rim seat
This is my first commercially made rim seat. I wondered what the handles were for, assuming it was oriented toward the top (I am a bottom). For me it was great, really allowing me to pull myself up for a deep tonguing. The top seemed pretty pleased too, so I would rate this highly.
i can eat ass all day with this baby!
Ass eaten
A friend of mine has one of these and needless to say he love to eat ass 24/7. He let me try it out and I am not sure if it is the chair or his great tongue work but I know that I was in heaven for hours. The greatest feeling I think I ever had. Hope to afford one for myself soon. He also uses it to sit on dildos and things which is also a turn on. Hope to get mine soon, it was just to good to explain.
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